Intuitive App for efficient trading.

Build successful trades in seconds as our easily navigable app will teach and assist you as track data and place trades, saving you valuable time.

Build successful trades

A beginner-friendly platform for efficient trading

Others’ fintech apps do little to assist with trading which can prove to be daunting to new traders. Athenus algorithms assist you in building successful, risk-optimized trades in seconds, saving you valuable time.

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Foreign Exchange Trading?

The foreign exchange market is where different currencies are traded against each other. Economic data and central bank activity affect exchange rates by impacting the supply and demand for currencies, and traders can use this information to make profitable trades.

Economic data directly controls the market.
Data Driven investments

Economic data directly controls the market. Athenus tracks this data and alerts users when high volatility is expected.

Practice makes profit.

Start trading today risk-free with our built-in paper trading then switch to live trading with a single click

Start trading today risk free with our built in paper trading

Automated AI Powered Trading

An automated trading fund that tracks the long-term movement of a currency pair allowing users to make a passive profit.

An automated trading fund that tracks long term movement of a currency pair

Our mission is to help new currency traders

Athenus’ mission is to remove the barrier of entry for many new currency traders. Athenus has many built-in tools that will provide traders with the ability to place consistently successful trades without having to learn and analyze the market yourself.

The beta sign up page be available soon!

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